Di Caprio stars as Dom Cobb, a professional who is capable of navigating through people’s mind in their subconscious state (They enter into the dreams through the injection method. Their dream information is gathered in to a suitcase / kind of data logger which can be accessed again for retrieval)
Di Caprio new assignment is to plant an idea into Fischer’s mind, the head of multimillionaire company (inherited wealth) to separate his large scale business in to two small companies that will benefit Saito(who hires Di Caprio) with business supremacy and in turn free Di Caprio on charges for killing his wife.
The reason for the death of his wife is later reveled. Di Caprio himself was the reason .He would have planted an idea into his wife, which will make her think, that the real world is fake …. When she wakes up from the dream world she feels that she is still in the dream and decides to die (If a person dies in dream world he/ she wakes up)
Di Caprio and his team prepares to do the impossible : A dream within a dream, within a dream .To go so deep into a mind , so deep.. that if he wakes up in the middle ,will make him A dormant or in simple terms, a state of rest in which consciousness of the world is suspended .
Di Caprio s plans are disturbed by the presence of his wife who sprouts up from his sub consciousness and ruins his well designed and engineered plans.
The story is all about how they plan to enter into Fisher’s mind and plant an idea in it , with brilliantly placed car chases, car chases into countdowns, mission on a snowy mountainside , the fight sequence . Christopher Nolan’s script has sewed together 3 layers of dreams all converging at the climax, will twist your mind for sure.
Things that work:
1. Christopher Nolan’s imagination is spell binding and delivering that to the audience would have been an exhilarating mission.
2. Di Caprio relation with his wife is the heart of the story.
3. Narrative story line with subtitles.
4. Anything is possible, from constructing impossibly complex buildings to, in one extraordinary scene, folding an entire city over on top of itself.
Verdict: A movie that will test your intelligence and twist your mind. Coming out of inception won’t leave you disappointed .An ending that will leave you with an agitated feel. Needs preconception & Imagination