No women in the world knows exactly what she wants unless she sees it or
She get’s it right
60% of all human communication is non-verbal; body language .30% is your tone. So 90% of what you are saying isn’t coming out from your mouth.
It is not necessary that you need to be a good speaker, expressing who you are. All you need is to make the right move and show how important she is to you. If you think you should be expressive think again! Then Kannadasan (lyricist) must be the only eligible one ….
Oh no please don’t try “FORREST GUMP” then she is going to DUMP.
This is the information that I pass on to my fellow men, with no guile; no game there is noo girl...
Some guys develop a degree of comfort with the opposite gender. They like women, women like them and every thing flow naturally.
If you are not one among them, you seem to lack the basic understanding that your peers graduated into
A man is nervous and isn’t sure how a women reciprocates when he says “I like you”. Most men go through that and that’s how things get complicated.
This isn’t about love. This is about the start…………
Insanity Quotes:
No woman wakes up saying Goddd… I don’t want to get swept of my feet. She might give you a reply when you start up like this –
“This is a really bad time for me or I need some space or I’m really in to my career”
You don’t need to believe this and neither will she. Do you know why? Well she is lying to you fell as.
She might be one who could be really into her career or she might need some space, but what she really says is “get away from me now or possibly try harder stupid ...”
She says these, as she is a nice person and never likes to hurt your feelings, but she says these words as she doesn’t know who you are and you shouldn’t think badly, no heart feelings.
No present day man knows the equation that has been there for centuries between women and flowers
Instead go a bit further by searching for the one who not only likes flowers from a florist rather someone who likes flowers that bloom on the road side or someone who notices the flowers and admires them that bloom on the rail tracks?
It’s all about one life, one love and one girl, if you are lucky be good and try to keep up to the traditional aspects of the Indian society.
REMEMBER; it is your duty not to mess it up……………